Hello World..!!! This is Shubham Arya (ev1lm0rty), I am an InfoSec geek with a knack for automating boring stuff. I Love playing CTFs and Wargames in my free time. This website highlights my work (most of it is just the stuff I make in my free time). If you like, you can contribute to it too and maybe buy me a beer :)
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Dorky: Dorky takes in a list containing google dorks and then extracts links from google search results.
New-Feed: New-Feed provides a centralized GUI platform to search for research papers, videos and news. It’s distraction free and uses simple text links to display data.
HTB-Recon: Script for KOTH on Tryhackme and Hackthebox platforms.
LazyScripts: Quick and dirty scripts used while pentesting.
Dump_Programs: This script dumps domains that are up for bug bounty from bugcrowd, intigriti, hackerone etc.